For our Prestige Oak 15 & 21 mm Tongue & Groove Engineered Planks installed ontoParticle Board (PB) or Plywood we have provided basicpoints that should be followed to ensure a quality install.Please read the entire document as a range of important considerations isdiscussed for both Floatingand for Direct Fix installations.
For Concrete Slab installation please refer ATFA Guidelinesfor adhesion to Concrete Slabsor review the adhesive manufacturer’s guidelines.Concrete Slab substrates must be must be Dry approx. 2.5 –4.5%.
A range of optimum methods are discussed and we encourage you to use professional contractors to ensure the flooring is correctly installed.Alldirect fix slab installations require an appropriate Moisture Barrier (MB) system.A system approach with a compatible MB and elastomeric adhesive is required to support warranty provisions.Substrateflatness is critical; sub-floor should not exceed 3 mmover a 3 m radius in all directions.Any hollows or humps need to be assessed and rectified prior to installation.Please follow manufacturer’sguidelines for leveling compound application and drying times.
We do not recommend our T&G Prestige Oaktobe direct fixed to a joist and bearer system.The 21mm product can be installed on an approved batten system;acoustic performance may be affected with this method.Batten spacing maximum 300 to 400mm. Mid span end joins require sub-batten. All short end joinsrequire H-pattern, cross linked PVA (not Aquadhere)on short and long edges to secure joins. 12 and 15 mm thicknesses are notsuitable for fixing directly to battens.
Prestige Oak T&G planks can be installed for vertical wall features.There are various methods of fixing applicable to this type of application. Please consult with your contractor to assess the optimum approach as each application willvary from site to site. Generally a combination of secret nailing along with an elastomeric adhesive will provide a suitable fixing.
Please note: Our structural warranty covers theprofessional installation of Prestige Oak (15 & 21 mm) for use over,In-slab Under-floor heating only. The warranty will cover both methods of installation (Direct Fix & Floating) provided the heating system is operated and installed in compliance with the very strict guidelines of the heating manufacturer’s recommendations. The system should never be operated with heat settings in accessof 27 degrees Celsius. No other typeof heating system other than in-slab systems will be covered by our structural warranty
Importantly, the installation should be performed by a professional contractor. The installation process and method selected is solely the responsibility of the contractor and you must be satisfied that the contractor is qualified to carry out your site installation. Should you have any concerns either contact your retailer or visit the helpful site at
1.At site please store the product in original cartons placed on a flat, dry area away from any extreme temperatures.
2.The planks must be carefully inspected prior to install to detect any imperfections.
3.FAULTY PLANKS SHOULD NOT BE INSTALLED and will not be covered by warranty provisions.A waste factor of approximately 8-10 % is required for length cutting, sorting and visual selection.If excessive product faults are detected please contact the point of purchase immediately for advice.
4.Preparation should be made to have the necessary cleaning solutions available to keep any adhesive or other substances away from the surface of the plank.Paints and adhesivesmay prove difficult to remove when the installation is complete.Do not use masking tape on the coating as it may permanently damage the surface.
PVA’s such as Aquadhere cannot be used under any circumstances. Use Sika, Mapei, Roberts or similar professional flooring cross-linked adhesives that comply with the D3/BS EN204 formula.If floating option is selected the Structural and Coating Warranty remain however the install performance is a matter between buyer and reseller/ installer. Floating installs require a moisture barrier and acoustic membrane on top of all substrates. Expansion provisions must be followed
1.Once the planks are selected for installation a cross linked PVA Adhesive which meets the D3/BS EN 204 specifications is applied to the top of the Tongue profile on both long and short-ends. It is important to apply the adhesive to the front edges and not too deeply. Some installers apply the PVA to the underside of the Short End. Note; do not use excessive adhesive as it may squeeze onto the pre-finished surface. Only apply adhesive to as many planks as you are capable of installing prior to the adhesive curing.If the adhesive is cured before assembly you will not be able to fit the tongue and groove together without gapping.
2.Floor expansion and contraction requires perimeter expansion of 12–15mm for floating installations. Width areas greater than >6m and long runs greater than >11m will require installation of expansion and transmission joins. Allow, 1 -2 mm expansion gap for every extra 1 m of width has a guideline.Note; caulking will hinder natural floor movement, it should not be used.Adequate space around heating and service ducts should be created to allow the floor to expand and contract. Refer Figure 2 & 3.
3.If the client objects to these inclusions please keep a record that the client did not wish to include expansion trims. Wherever possible, each room should be treated as a separate install, this will assist in reducing floor movement.
4.Large objects such as Kitchen Island benches should not be placed on a floating floor.The flooring needs to be installed around the perimeter of the Island Bench or under the bench kick boards / fasciato allow for natural floor movement.5.6.Kitchen benches should be assembled prior to install.
5.First and last plank length should not be less than 300 mm.Short end joins on parallel planks should be at least 300 mm in distance from the adjoining plank, Figure 1.Plan the layout of plank lengths and visual aspects prior to final fix. This will assist in providing a balanced blend of grade, colour and joint alignment.
6.For optimum visual impact planks should run in the direction of the longest wall area. Regularly review install alignment.
7.The installer needs to establish a method for pulling the planks tightly together to ensure gapping or bowing does not eventuate during the install process. Methods such as cramping, wedging or ratchet mechanisms are commonly used. The installed plank areas are weighted with heavy bags or similar to assist in keeping the floor flat whilst the adhesive is setting.
8.As with all natural flooring products, NO wet mopping or steam mops should be used to clean the floor before or after installation.Please consult with your retailer to obtain an up to date guide.
9.Incidental scratching, chipping and indentations from external sources are site related and therefore will not be covered by warranty provisions. Please cover flooring with adequate protection if construction or painting is still occurring at the site.The finished floor should be protected from intense direct sunlight. Screens or Blinds should be used to inhibit direct sun. Items such as rugs and mats should not be introduced until the floor has been able to acclimatise in its environment, this will take approx. 8 weeks.
1.A thorough understanding and inspection of the specific site conditions needs to be undertaken by the installer prior to commencing work. Site specific circumstances such proximity towater, river systems and coastal regions along with other climatic extremes may require more complex installations methods and maintenance. Under floor inspections should be carried out before installation.
2.Substrate materials such as structural Plywood and P/Board should be flat, free of moisture ingress and secure. Concrete Slab substrates must be Dry approx. 2.5 -4.5%prior to installation.Substrate flatness is critical; sub-floor should not exceed 3 mm over a 3 m radius in all directions.For concrete slabs, any hollows or humps need to be assessed and rectified prior to installation. Please follow manufacturer’s guidelines for leveling compound application and drying times.
3.All edges and surfaces should be lightly sanded to ensure flatness, particularly at the joins. Surface area should be sanded to remove any foreign substances such as waxes or paint etc. This will aid the adhesion process.
4.Inspect planks carefully prior to install to detect any imperfections etc. FAULTY PLANKS SHOULD NOTBE INSTALLEDand will not be covered by warranty provisions. If certain planks are displaying slight bow or twist set aside under load to assist with site acclimatisation. These planks can be recycled into the install at a later time. If further assembly issues arise, please contact point of purchase immediately.
5.Where possible cover windows 24 hours prior to install to moderate the interior temperature and to block excessive sunlight.
6.Ensure humidity and temperature levels are comfortable. Avoid installation during excessive weather conditions.Adhesive manufacturer’s guidelines provide suitable reference for adhesive application use.
7.An optimum install requires full trowel adhesive using a minimum 4 mm notched trowel. A recognised Wood flooringadhesive such as Mapei, Sika, Bostik or similar system is recommended. Refer, Pictures 1 & 2.The planks should be weighted to assist with high bond outcomes.For other adhesive options please consult the ATFA guidelines to check if an alternate method is suitable for your application. (Elastomeric adhesives provide acoustic benefits).
8.To optimise structural and visual performance, First and last plank length should not be less than 300 mm. Short end joins on parallel planks should be at least 300 mm lengthways in distance from the adjoining plank. Refer, Figure1.
9.Installer will need to carefully plan the layout of plank lengths and visual aspects/ knots etc.prior to final fix. This will assist in providing a balanced blend of grade, colour and joint alignment.
10.Large objects such as Kitchen Island benches can be installed onto a Direct Fixed flooror installed at a later date. Please make sure the installed floor is well protected if other trades are still to complete their fit outs.
11.Regularly review install alignment throughout the entire installation.
12.For optimum visual impact planks should run lengthways in the direction of the longest wall area.
13.On Plywood and P/Board, Secret Nail at 200-300mm intervals to improve alignment, stability and adhesion in difficult areas.
14.Perimeter expansion will vary from site to site. Installer will need to assess opportunities to maximize the natural movement of the floor for expansion and contraction especially around door thresholds, service ducts and heating pipes etc.
15.Incidental scratching, chipping and indentations from external sources are site related and therefore will not be covered by warranty provisions. Please cover flooring with adequate protection if construction or painting is still occurring at the site.The finished floor should be protected from intense direct sunlight.
16.Screens or Blinds should be used to inhibit direct sun.Rugs and mats should not be introduced until the floor has acclimatised in its environment, this may take approx. 8 weeks.
17.As with all natural flooring products, NO wet mopping or steam mops should be used to clean the floor before or after installation.Static or toweling mops should be used for all natural floor surfaces to clean and for accidental spills. Refer Picture 3.
18.Please make sure that masking or similar adhesive tapes are not placed on the surface coating of your pre-finished floor as they may lift or damage the surface coating when removed.
19.Please consult with your retailer to obtain an up to date Cleaning and Maintenance Guide

Your new Prestige Oak Floor is a living material that will expand and contract in shape if moisture or humidity is raised. It may also shrink if moisture or humidity becomes very low. As a natural product damage from these circumstances may lead to irreversible deformation of the floor if the room climate and humidity is left too high or too low for an extended period of time.In winter months for example if the humidity (RH) in a heated room goes below the specified 45 % the floor may be subjected to conditions that may result in plank changes. In this case you should install an air humidifier to prevent damages to your floor. The same may also be necessary with air conditioned rooms. Disclaimer:Preference Floors has used its reasonable endeavors to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained herein and, to the extent permitted by law, will not be liable for any inaccuracies, omissions or errors in this information nor for any actions taken in reliance on this information. Products must be installed in accordance with relevant installation recommendations and industry best practices.
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